News Sources: Tactical Intelligence Studies Group

Searching Knowledge & Data Mining

National Center for Research Methods

NCRM is interested in knowledge exchange and engaging with researchers, government, businesses and the public


Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project


Rapid Research, Evaluation and Appraisal Lab


Defence Advanced Research Projects Agemcy

Academy of International Business - Research Methodology Group

Events, discussion, and repositories of research methodologies for business.

University of Sheffield

The Sheffield Methods Institute

Committed to excellence in interdisciplinary teaching and research. We employ innovative research methods to address the major challenges facing societies today.

Advanced Research Methods Institute (ARMI)

The Advanced Research Methods Institute is an interdisciplinary initiative to develop and promote innovations in social research methods.

Mind Tools

Helping you to learn the essential management, leadership, and personal effectiveness skills that you need to build a happy and successful career.

Global Investigative Journalism Network

The need for a sophisticated, multinational corps of investigative reporters has never been greater. We live in a globalized era in which our commerce—and our crimes–are multinational.

Durham Research Methods Centre

A small community of researchers.

Disseminating / Persuading

The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation

ICSR conducts thematic research on some of the world’s most pressing issues. Researchers are often among the first to discover new trends, identify emerging patterns, and have harnessed the capacity of ‘big data’ to bring an empirical understanding to the study of international security and terrorism issues.

The Centre for Army Leadership

The Centre for Army Leadership's `Leadership Speaker Series' brings international, national and British Army leaders and leadership thinkers to an Army audience. Speakers come to share their knowledge, ideas, research and experiences of leadership.

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Blog posts and news updates surrounding investigative Journalism

Investigative Resource Center

The IRE Resource Center is a major research library containing more than 25,000 investigative stories — both print and broadcast.

Reuter's Institute

A collection of research papers.

Research Retold Blog

Education materials and research-based blog posts.

Institute for Strategic Dialogue

Powering solutions to extremism and polarisation

International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation

The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) is a world-class and internationally acclaimed academic research centre based in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London.

Stategy and Security Institute: The University of Exeter

The Strategy and Security Institute's vibrant, collaborative and interdisciplinary research culture incorporates people working across the whole spectrum of contemporary security issues.

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination- University of York

The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) specialises in evidence synthesis, assembling and evaluating data from multiple research studies to generate robust evidence to inform health policy and practice.


BAICE is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge in the field of international and comparative education through a wide range of funded activities and platforms.

UK Research and Innovation

The latest updates from UK Research and Innovation

Social Care Institute for Excellence

Knowledge, research and practice: using reflection to connect the triad

Social Research Association

The Social Research Association (SRA) promotes excellence in social research. We’re the membership organisation for social researchers in the UK, Ireland and beyond.

Analytic Methods

Journal of Analytical Techniques

An open access, peer reviewed biannual journal publish articles related to the ever expanding latest research on analytical techniques.

Association of Engineering Technology ad Applied Sciences

Association of Engineering Technology & Applied Sciences (AETA) aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professionals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in engineering technology and applied sciences.

International Center for the Study of Research

Advancing research evaluation in all fields of knowledge production

Intelligence 101

Blog posts on analytics

The Alan Turing Institute

Researchers gathering around shared areas of interest in data science and AI, with the aim to share ideas and knowledge and spark new ideas for collaborations and projects

Sources and Methods

A blog on research methodology

Long War Journal

FDD’s Long War Journal is dedicated to providing original and accurate reporting and analysis of the Long War (also known as the Global War on Terror).


Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies

Brunel's Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies (BCISS) is a University inter-diciplinary research centre, established in the UK to deal specifically with intelligence issues, policy and institutions, to promote and develop social science and policy-oriented approaches to intelligence.

Arena for Journalism in Europe

Arena for Journalism in Europe supports collaborative journalism – journalists working with other journalists across geographical borders, and journalists working across professional borders with scholars or scientists as well as with civil society.

Janes Logo

Jane's Intelligence Review

News updates and blog posts in the intelligence sphere

Global Network on Extremism & Technology

The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) is the academic research arm of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) and aims to better understand the ways in which terrorists use technology.

University of Leicester: The Intelligence, Security and Strategic Studies

The Intelligence, Security and Strategic Studies (ISSS) brings together a range of scholars from across the field of international studies whose research responds to the most pressing issues and challenges in contemporary global politics.

Buckingham University Center for Security & Intelligence Studies

BUCSIS was established in 2008 as a world-class centre for research into the key Security and Intelligence issues facing the UK and the world in the 21st century.

Aberystwyth University: Centre for Intelligence and International Security Studies

From the early days of intelligence studies, Aberystwyth University has recruited scholars in Intelligence and International Security and has encouraged them to develop it.

King's College London Intelligence and International Security

Commissioned Research, Events and Conferences on the History of British Intelligence and Security

Understanding and Improving Intelligence Analysis: International Research Collaboration

A linkedin group discussing common challenges in Intelligence Analysis from a range of professions

RAND Topic on Intelligence Analysis

RAND Corporation is an American nonprofit global policy think tank. Their INtelligence Analysis page

Cambridge Intelligence Seminars

A collection of intelligence seminars, usually historic

Oxford Intelligence Group

The Oxford Intelligence Group hears papers on 'intelligence', as part of academic 'intelligence studies' and their connections with political science, international relations, and modern history.

The Royal United Services Institute

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is the world's oldest independent think tank on international defence and security

Cyber Security

Journal of Cyber Security

New research papers in the Cyber Security Field

Cyber Security Journal List

A big list of Cyber Security Journals

Cyber Security: a Peer Reviewed Journal

A big list of Cyber Security Journals

Hacker news

A big list of updates

National Institute of Standards Technology

NIST implements practical cybersecurity and privacy through outreach and effective application of standards and best practices necessary for the U.S. to adopt cybersecurity capabilities.


Technology news updates.

The Register

Biting the hand that feeds IT


Educational YouTube Videos and Blog Posts

Security Weekly

webinars, videos, interviews, surveys and interesting articles.

Erratica Security

a blog written by two cyber security practitioners with decades of experience

Neura Legion

Cyber Security blog posts


Cyber Security blog posts

Blackhills Information Security

Cyber Security blog posts. Lots of informative training oppertunities.

Pentest Tools

Cyber Security blog posts. Lots of informative training oppertunities.

Mimecast Blog

Threat Intelligence Hub

Threat Research

Threat hunting research

Threat Connect

Threat hunting blogposts

Count Upon Security

Independent interest website

Schneier on Security

Cyber Security newsletter

Search Security

Network of cyber security updates

Krebs on Security

In depth Security news and investigation


Newsletters, events and resources

Security Intelligence

Threat Intelligence resources and podcasts